
Empa: What are Katie Dale-Everett Dance researching?

Katie Dale-Everett Dance is supported by Arts Council England National Lottery funding and by Studio Wayne McGregor through the Questlab Network Programme to begin early-stage research into a new project entitled Empa.
Born the year the internet became publicly available and living within an increasingly technological society, Artistic Director Katie was interested in the following question:
By utilising technology to exchange presence, senses and embodiment can we reach a similar, less or more empathetic relationship to that of face to face communication? 
Katie’s research is an acknowledgement of the fact that how we perceive people is not necessarily how they feel/see themselves. Working in collaboration with a series of creative technologists for the first time, Katie Dale-Everett Dance is enquiring into how technology can help bridge this gap for the better, increasing intimacy and understanding and enable us to see others and self more truthfully, differently and clearly.
Through research Katie hopes to explore in the moment choreographic decision, action and response, to question vulnerability and openness and explores internal and external in a literal and embodied senses (emotions, inside a mask…).
Empa is likely to be an intimate, promenade installation piece made in 2020.